You're On Your Way To Accepting All The Ways To Get Paid
Please Confirm Your Equipment Solution From The Options Below...


Connect your website or process online through your personal Virtual Terminal. Additional technology and Digital Invoicing available.

Wired Terminal

Reliable EMV/NFC countertop terminal accepts all payments and includes a PIN pad, keypad and receipt printer.

Stripe Instant Processing

Exceed Pay partnered with Stripe, so you can get a payments account easy and fast. Apply and start processing instantly.

Wireless Terminal

Web-based terminal enables you to accept and manage cutomer payment when a card is not present.

Terminal with Surcharge

Wireless, mobile terminal accepts EMV/NFC and all payments while offering a PIN pad, keypad and receipt printer.

Mobile Processing

Take swiped and keypad payments with your smartphone or tablet while providing signature capture and emailed printer

Smart Terminal

Contertop POS includes a terminal and built-in cash drawer, receipt printer, barcode scanner, tablet and robust software.

Processing Rate Analysis

We'll perform a detailed review of your current processing and guarantee lower rates or we'll give you $1,000 dollars.

We're here to help 800 644-5986

We're Ready to Help

Our team is ready to assist you and answer all questions. Let us help you build a better business today and see if you qualify for free equipment.

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800 644-5986

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